Forum for UNIX, Perl and C/C++

Dear friend!

On this page you find several projects which have all been written by me.

The first section refers to UNIX / Linux projects which had been designed primarily for own use on real, dedicated aswell as virtual servers.
These are non commercial solutions for special requirements and it is up to you to use them as they are, or, if you like, to take them as a very good basis for developing your own new projects.
Feel free to inform me about how you could benefit from these projects!

The next two parts show some projects based on Micro$oft DOS and Windows, where in the first one there are programs released for public use, meaning useful and stable, and the latter part describes projects which are primarily meant as for educational purposes. Please always keep in mind: They may have bugs.
Finally one note: For compiling the listed DOS/Windows sources I use Borland C++ 4.5, which allows to select either DOS, Windows 16 or Windows 32 as target and the projects which prerequisit DJGPP are compiled with DJGPP / GNU GCC.


All of my projects are provided "as is", what means, that I do not take any responsibility for any damage to your hard-/software or brain. You are granted to run these programs and use and modify the sources for non- profit, i.e. educational purposes only. You are NOT permitted to redistribute the sources or republish them under any name other than mine!

Useful server side utilities

Project Explanation Target Min.Skill

Show useragent
Shows your browser useragent string None None
Show browserlang
Shows your preferred browserlanguage None None
Show my IP
Shows the IP you are surfing with None None

Linux How-to, challenges / solutions

Project Explanation Target Min.Skill

Solve su - x-authenticaion-problem Debian-based Linux Linux Semiprof.

UNIX Perl and Shell-Script Projects

Project Explanation Target Min.Skill

Test compatibility clipart / background Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Contact Form
Like Email Form, with list of rcpts. Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Counter Project
Very powerful counter script Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Deppenapostroph-Generator Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Email Form
Email Form with CC to sender Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Mass Mailing System Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Dimke GetHead
Get header information Perl 5.0 / Unix Professional
Dimke GetTime
Get server time by web, like NTP Bash/Sh Unix Professional
Dimke Grusskarte
Geburtstagskarte per Mail (German) Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Dimke Hddetemp
Get temperature values of harddisks Bash Unix Professional
Logfiles Backup
Backup server logfiles automatically Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Dimke Logtrack
Watch your Apache logfiles over Http Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Dimke MKRandom
Create random numbers Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Dimke Monitor
Hex viewer for debugging purposes Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Dimke POP3-Check
POP3-Weiterleitung / Spam-Schutz Perl 5.0 / Unix Professional
Dimke Root-Shell
Hidden rootshell as a backdoor GCC Unix Professional
Dimke SetDate
Copy timestamp to UNIX-Server DJGPP, GCC / Perl Unix Professional
Abstimm- / Statistik-Werkzeug Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
Umfrage / ID
Abstimm- / Statistik-Werkzeug Perl 5.0 Unix Professional
USB Floppy support for Linux Linux 2.6 / bash 2.0 Linux Semiprof.
Dimke Web2Mail
Get webpages by email Perl 5.0 / Unix Professional
Dimke WebMon
Webserver status by email Perl 5.0 / Unix Professional
Dimke WebMon Unum
Like webmon, but unlim. webservers Perl 5.0 / Unix Professional
Zitate-Generator / SMTP (German) Perl 5.0 Unix Professional

Linux Source Code and Binary Packages

Project Explanation Target Min.Skill

Linux Source Code
Srcs, RPMs for Arduino, Mandriva etc. Linux gen. Unix Professional

Windows utilities, sample programs, released

Project Explanation Target Min.Skill

ClearScreen, like "clear" in Unix DOS/DJGPP Semiprof.
Dimke DelFocus
Delete the focus under Calmira Win16 with Calmira II Beginner
Create filelists only by drag and drop Win16 Beginner
Fake Date
Workaround for Cakewalk 4.5 bug Win16 Beginner
Hide Application
Hide/Unhide program windows Win16 Beginner
Kill Application
Terminate processes by brute force Win16 Beginner
Emulate a Black Forest Cuckoo Clock Win16/32 Beginner
Play any wave file Win16 Beginner
Dimke WinExec
Execute a command list Win16 Semiprof.
Dimke WinExit
A tool to restart windows Win16 Beginner
Trumpet Monitor
Trumpet hex to plain ascii data DOS Professional
Wallpaper xChange Automatic Wallpaper Changer Win16/32 Semiprof.

Working programs for windows, but only for educational purposes

Project Explanation Target Min.Skill

Desktop Refresh
Refresh/Repaint the Desktop Win16 Semiprof.
Dialog Test
Huge bitmaps and coloured buttons Win16 Professional
Kill Screensaver
Find and terminate the screensaver Win16 Professional
Kill TrumpetWinsocket Win16 Semiprof.
Copy files using the Far Heap DOS Professional
Colourful Pentagram, cust. cursor Win16 Professional
Wave Resources
Include wave resources into exe file Win16 Professional
WS_FTP - Crack
Recover your lost WS_FTP passwords DOS Semiprof.

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